Sunday, October 13, 2002

Negatory on the food, so I'm back to blogging (and still not writing my paper).

Yeah, so, on to current events. What's new in the world? Bombing in Bali, serial shooting spree, riots in India, war in Iraq...all very cheerful stuff. I'm supposed to be going to Europe this summer, and I was talking to somebody, probably my dad, about terrorism over there and Islamic fundamentalism and Communism and the like.

I don't know if it's because I see it on the news now 24/7 (Yeah, I read that in Valley Girl voice too), but I'm getting a little freaked about world travel and terrorism these days. I wasn't exactly surprised that terrorists attacked America on September 11th. I mean, I didn't predict a date or anything, but I know we're not popular in a lot of the world and especially in the third world. But I miss the comforting American obliviousness to the rest of the planet on our news programs. It isn't as if the problems we see right now are brand new; it's just that we were too busy watching O.J. and the Clinton scandals to have noticed them before. I used to think that self-centeredness was a rotten attitude for us to have, but you know, I used to not be afraid of going to Israel for a visit either.

The problem with the news is that it's sensationalized, and you see it over and over and over and over again. I'm far more likely to be affected personally by a car accident than I am a hijacking or a bombing, but I don't think twice about hopping into my car every day. But I think I'm going to hold off on visiting Israel for a while. I'll probably never see Nepal. India will have to wait too. Hell, I get nervous about Greece and France...

Jiminy, my father won't shut up. I guess I can't justify ignoring family members to write a blog, so you're all spared my ramblings for a while. BAH. Mom's on a cleaning spree. Tonight, I'm so going to vent, just you wait and see! Peace out, girl scouts...