Wednesday, February 05, 2003

I spent a long time last night trying to find decent, cheap, auctioning software. I don't want to waste $300 on an auctioning system, when I'm really pretty uncertain that this business deal is going to take off. I know everyone's fed up with the bookstore on campus. But I don't know if being tired of it is really enough to spur people into action. Apathy rules many more a life than passion, and I don't care to run around with a caddle prod trying to get people to do what's naturally better for themselves. So I found free auction software, and I'm having a rotten time getting it to work. I still have a good five weeks to get the site up and running, but I make no promises that I can get it done. Outside of going to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding with Angela tonight, I guess I have the evening largely free, so maybe I'll work on it a while.

I've been thinking about the space shuttle. I vaguely remember when the Challenger blew up. I was only three at the time, so I don't think it was a big deal to me. But I can remember not being able to watch my usual television shows because the news kept breaking in all of the time. And, of course, I thought it was sad that people died. It didn't upset me much though, because, well, when you're three, these things tend to not. I'm not all torn up over the Columbia either. A lot of folks are acting like the fact that a couple of astronauts died is the most shocking story to hit since 9/11. Well it's tragic and terrible. But going into space is risky business. These people knew that when they signed up for the job. I'm not saying that the knowledge of risk minimizes their death. But the knowledge of the risk does take the edge off the shock. I always find it sad when human beings die. But it's hard to work yourself up about the death of a couple of astronauts, when you know perfectly well that thousands and thousands of people who weren't taking any risks at all, died the same day for far less noble reasons. I may be callous. September 11th might have contributed to the fact. Reading about the Holocaust and the Gulag Archipelago might have contributed to it too. But while I can feel a general sense of pity for family members of people killed, I can't recognize any terrific shock and sadness in myself. It it were my mother or father, certainly I'd feel it a tinge more and that's why I can feel pity. But it isn't my mother or father, and that's why I'm pretty calm regarding the entire matter.

15 minutes left to study my German and eat breakfast. Geez, I'm ahead of the game these days.