Monday, January 20, 2003

I'm very tired, and very much in pain, and am very much not enjoying myself.

I don't want to go to bed because it means tomorrow will come sooner; and if tomorrow comes quick, then so does the day after, and that means exams again. I But no. I'm going to sit and sulk, and wallow in terrible shots of pain which keep racking my sides and back every couple of minutes or so. Stench of fever in my mouth.

This morning was so nice. Why does this evening have to suck so much?

I've accomplished almost nothing this weekend, and my prospects for tomorrow look pretty dim in the accomplishing stuff department. Seems my brain has been disconnected somehow. I haven't been able to concentrate long enough to finish anything, though I've started countless jobs. Jobs, which, consequently, having been started, mock me with their incompleteness.