Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I sent my paper in sort of late today. Not very late, but sort of late. I guess it doesn’t matter that much if my paper is counted a day late and I lose a point on it. But I hate losing a point on it. My perfectionism frightens me. My paper sort of sucked too. It may be the first 70-something percent I’ve ever gotten on a history paper in college, but only, I suspect if it is counted a day late. Ahh, well, what’s one quarter? I’m not even planning on going to grad school anymore. At least it’s only worth 2.5% of my grade. A hell of a lot of work for 2.5% of a grade, I’ll tell you that.

The really tremendous news for me today was that I got an email asking me to be a Research Assistant. This means money for me. Not a lot of money. You can never earn much money doing 20 hours of work a week. But hell, an extra $700 a month may yet prove my salvation. I’m damned poor this quarter. But that’s to be expected when your professors forget to list half the books you have to buy, your tires wear out on your car and need replacement, your car insurance is up, and you have a nagging check engine light up on your dash board.

My sister sounded lousy on the phone today. It's worth screwing up my grades for her when she sounds so damned desperate. I hate hospitals. And I’m glad as hell I don’t have kidney stone problems; or in any case, that I haven't yet. In my family, it's a good possibility that I will someday. My blood sugar seems to be running in the low 60's though, in health news for me, which I imagine probably isn't a good thing. I dread going to the doctor.

Tonight I have to punch up that silly article about Europe I wrote for the newsletter. I really, really don't want to. But I feel more concentrated today than I did yesterday, that's certain.