Monday, January 19, 2004

My life has become a bad country music song.

My grandfather died, my brother was in a prison riot, my deaf niece broke her leg. And, it looks like I'll probably spend most of the night tonight driving back down to Columbus, in a snow storm, which, consequently I just got back from. And I still have to write three papers tonight; albeit, they're short. But I only have to go back down to Columbus because my sister has a terminal illness and has gone too blind to be able to drive. Did I mention I'm broke?

If Hank Williams sang me, I'd be golden.

But of course, Hank Williams can't sing me, 'cos he died of a drug overdose. Which is the one thing in life I'm lacking to make it a good country song. As my dad said it tonight: "My life sure did seem easier back when I was drunk all the time." Preach it, father.