Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Sometimes I think we live in a crazy world. I really don't understand it. That's less a cry of frustration - at the moment at least - than it is of awe.

My mom's been in the hospital all this week. I had to give a presentation at school. I attended a very strange birthday party. I was relieved to find that a very vulnerable someone I've been worried about is okay. I've had some very bad dreams. I was terrified to find out that someone I'd been thinking was okay, is going through a very bad and vulnerable time. I've been rejected and emotionally distant to those who need me to be otherwise. I've been very disturbed about not being able to do a whole lot about that. There has been a great deal of anxiety and stress.

But some of that has also been overcome. So much of life's pain can be avoided if we lay down our arms and rest a while. Even in the midst of so much chaos and confusion, there's always a moment or two which is ours for the taking, if we're just willing to take it and stop fussing.