Euchre Blows.
Last night Jasmin and Co. attempted the impossible. And, predictably, they did not succeed. Being nice people they tried to ignore my imbecility. But it shone through regardless. I lost whenever I didn't have a brilliant partner to fix all my mistakes. Or, at least, I think they were mistakes. As a matter of fact, I haven't the foggiest whether they were mistakes or not. I was just throwing cards.I spent the majority of yesterday, though, just reading books. During school, I forget how much I love to read. I reread Thomas Merton's autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain over the course of the last week. Man, it was lovely. This summer I really want to take the time to read a lot of the books I've been putting off for a while. And I think I'll even have time to do it. That's such a happy thought! Ahh, to be a geek in the summertime, and free!
Well, I'm not particularly free today. I have a lot of work I have to do, so I suppose I had better get on it.