Qualifying for the Nationals.
Today was a long and excrutiating day. The Boy had a huge wrestling tournament about an hour away from here, so I got to Jasmin's house at 7:00 so we could make it on time. When I got here, everyone had woken up late and was rushing around all crazy when Jasmin discovered that she has terrible hives. About a year ago she got hives so bad we started calling her Job, so we all freaked out.I dropped The Boy off at school so he could ride to the tournament with his wrestling coach. The caravan had to wait on us to get there because of all the excitement over hives and whether it was prudent to just go the ER or whatever. Anyhow, off went The Boy and I went to Kroger to buy vast reserves of Benadryll and Aveeno.
Now, X. is Matt's son from his first marriage. And I love X. dearly. But since X.'s new baby sister was born last November, X. has been obsessively seeking attention. You can't do anything around him because he very simply just won't stop talking. He'll actually walk up to me and be like: "SARAH? SARAH!" and I'll say: "What buddy?" and he'll give me this blank look, pause for a second, searching for anything to say, and then go "SARAH! SARAH!" repeat times 600 million.
So this morning, I got to kill three hours with X., who was freaking out the whole time that The Boy would start wrestling without us. This was a particularly bad fear because it was also my fear and I was already nervous about it. I didn't need X. coming in every thirty seconds to ask me if it was time to go yet, which it wasn't, and wasn't I scared that The Boy would have already started...blah, blah, blah...
Yeah, so I was way freaking out about that. And Jasmin and Matt finally decided to go. And of course, being Jasmin and Matt, we ended up leaving twenty minutes late, followed by waiting another twenty minutes in line at the bank which Matt was supposed to have gotten money out of yesterday. All told, we got to the tournament half an hour late and, merciful God be praised, caught The Boy's first match by about two minutes.
The Boy wrestled extremely well. Apparently today was the national qualifiers, which I had no idea about until we got there. The Boy got fifth place, which might not sound impressive, but there were twelve kids in his weight class, and two of those kids - both of The Boy's losses - placed in the nationals last year. I was very, very proud. But the downside was, he missed a trophy by one match and he was bummed. That kind of kills a day.
The kids are still driving me crazy. In the spirit of being the best goddamn friend anybody ever had, I'm babysitting for them while Jasmin goes and gets a haircut. Her mom is supposed to come and pick up the kids any time now, or so I pray. And then I'll go home and sleep because I haven't tried that in a while and I thought it might be worth a laugh.